Tag: A Few Perfect Hours
American Splendor, Dean Haspiel, Episodes, Harvey Pekar, Josh Neufeld
AS 28: Who is Harvey Pekar?
American Splendor scene #28 (1:28:12 to 1:31:12) — In one continuous take, Harvey wanders through a dreamscape, musing about his name, the telephone book, and other Harvey Pekars.
American Splendor, Dean Haspiel, Episodes, Harvey Pekar, Josh Neufeld, Joyce Brabner
AS 20: What Kind of Girl Is Your New Bride?
American Splendor scene #20 (52:19 to 53:50) — the real Harvey and Joyce sit in a fake comic book store, with a pile of American Splendors on the table between them. Joyce talks about what it was like to become a character in Harvey’s stories. Tension is in the air. A machine gun sounds in the distance.
American Splendor, Dean Haspiel, Episodes, Harvey Pekar, Josh Neufeld, Joyce Brabner
AS 18: Skipping the Whole Courtship Thing
American Splendor scene #18 (44:33 to 49:07) — Harvey takes Joyce to his apartment, where it is abundantly clear that he has a “serious problem with cleanliness.” Joyce shrugs if off, and they sit down on the couch and begin to get… intimate. Suddenly Joyce is overcome with a bout of nausea and vomiting. A concerned Harvey offers her chamomile tea. Charmed, Joyce suggests they “skip the whole courtship thing and get married”!
American Splendor, Dean Haspiel, Episodes, Harvey Pekar, Josh Neufeld, Joyce Brabner
AS 16: Dear Mr. Pekar
American Splendor scene #16 (37:11 to 41:37) — Meanwhile in Delaware, Joyce Brabner is frustrated with her partner in the comic store, who has sold her copy of American Splendor #8 out from under her. Why does everything in her life have to be such a complicated disaster?! She writes to Harvey, he responds, and they soon discover they are kindred spirits. Phone conversations spark the beginning of a romance, and Harvey convinces Joyce to come to Cleveland to meet him in person.
American Splendor, Dean Haspiel, Episodes, Harvey Pekar, Josh Neufeld
AS 1: 1950 — Our Story Begins
American Splendor's prologue (0:00 to 1:24) opens in the year 1950. It’s Halloween and an 11-year-old Harvey Pekar refuses to be a superhero.
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