Tag: Barnes & Noble
American Splendor, Dean Haspiel, Episodes, Harvey Pekar, Josh Neufeld, Joyce Brabner
AS 20: What Kind of Girl Is Your New Bride?
American Splendor scene #20 (52:19 to 53:50) — the real Harvey and Joyce sit in a fake comic book store, with a pile of American Splendors on the table between them. Joyce talks about what it was like to become a character in Harvey’s stories. Tension is in the air. A machine gun sounds in the distance.
American Splendor, Dean Haspiel, Episodes, Harvey Pekar, Josh Neufeld, Joyce Brabner
AS 16: Dear Mr. Pekar
American Splendor scene #16 (37:11 to 41:37) — Meanwhile in Delaware, Joyce Brabner is frustrated with her partner in the comic store, who has sold her copy of American Splendor #8 out from under her. Why does everything in her life have to be such a complicated disaster?! She writes to Harvey, he responds, and they soon discover they are kindred spirits. Phone conversations spark the beginning of a romance, and Harvey convinces Joyce to come to Cleveland to meet him in person.
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