Tag: Doug Allen

  • AS 30: The End Credits

    American Splendor scene #30 (1:37:31 to 1:41:08) — As the credits roll, Josh & Dean reflect on all things Pekar/American Splendor. What should have been the film’s post-credit sequence? What would an American Splendor TV show look like? (Dino keeps coming back to Louis C.K.)

  • AS Bonus: Animator GARY LEIB Interview

    Josh sits down with Gary Leib to discuss his work on the film, specifically on key scenes like the title sequence, "Old Jewish Ladies," and "Who is Harvey Pekar?" Gary's background as an alternative cartoonist (Idiotland) and musician, and his long-standing partnership with Doug Allen. How Gary got into animation and initially hooked up with Ted Hope and Good Machine. John Kuramoto's vital contributions to the animation. Getting to know Harvey at Sundance, and what it was like when American Splendor won the Grand Jury Prize. Why Gary can't toot his own horn in the age of Trump.

  • AS 13: From Off the Streets of Cleveland

    We open with a montage of classic Pekar quotidian moments and close with Harvey proudly showing off American Splendor #1 to his co-workers. Mr. Boats returns and Toby Radloff appears for the first time! Finally, the real Harvey talks about how he comes up with his stories.

  • AS 11: Standing Behind Old Jewish Ladies in Supermarket Lines

    American Splendor scene #11: (17:51 to 20:20) — Harvey is doing some grocery shopping when he is confronted with a conundrum about which line to wait on — the long but speedy one, or the short one with the old Jewish lady in front? Out of nowhere, Harvey’s animated subconscious — drawn in an R. Crumb manner — pops up to help guide his decision. “Are you going to stand there in silence, or are you going to make a mark?” Another new wrinkle in this unusual film!