Tag: Vito Delsante

  • AS 27: Treatment Begins

    American Splendor scene #27 (1:24:49 to 1:28:11) — The trauma and turmoil of Harvey’s treatment; time passes strangely. Meanwhile, Fred — accompanied by Danielle — continues to work on Our Cancer Year with Harvey & Joyce. An addled Harvey wonders if he’s real or if he’s just a character in a comic book. And if he dies will the story end, or will it keep on going? The scene begins and ends out of focus.

  • AS 11: Standing Behind Old Jewish Ladies in Supermarket Lines

    American Splendor scene #11: (17:51 to 20:20) — Harvey is doing some grocery shopping when he is confronted with a conundrum about which line to wait on — the long but speedy one, or the short one with the old Jewish lady in front? Out of nowhere, Harvey’s animated subconscious — drawn in an R. Crumb manner — pops up to help guide his decision. “Are you going to stand there in silence, or are you going to make a mark?” Another new wrinkle in this unusual film!